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Awakening Tips

See it Be it Free it

Dear Blessed One,

Be the free fountain of spontaneity and beauty that you already are. Stop trying to get there. You are already IT.

Right here, right now, drop all stories and seeking. There is nothing more holy, more sacred, or more important than this moment. When everything falls away, (distractions of the mind) it becomes clear that nothing else is needed to be more perfect than you already are. From that place of resting, allowing all to be just as it is, self-recognition – the peace that holds it all – becomes remarkably obvious.

When fighting with life ends, the noticing of guidance begins.

We are in a time of great healing and awakening. Many people have contacted me recently dealing with anxiety, fear and old wounds that they thought had already been resolved.

Toxic overload (unhealthy diet, poisons, etc) will put one in a healing crisis. It can show up as gentle as a cold or as intense as disease. The body is purging or attempting to do so…it’s how the body takes care of itself.

Anxiety, depression, old wounds coming up is a signal from the body that it’s in need of healing…a healing crisis. All it means is that right now the system is overwhelmed with toxic emotions and thought-forms. Things will settle down once the purge is complete and then a greater sense of balance and freedom can be experienced.

The feeling is the healing. From there integration occurs and then transcendence happens organically.

Thinking about the past or projecting some imagined reality in the future can cause pain or suffering. The past is perfect. Experiences you have experienced have guided you here. Learn from the past, don’t live in it. Thinking about possible futures can be anxiety provoking. Just be here now. When you are here, there’s nothing to fear.

If something is coming up for awareness, allow it to come up. It’s coming up because it’s time for its release.

Natural healing and release comes when we…
SEE it
Then BE it
To FREE it
Don’t listen to story about it. Drop into the heart of your being and feel it.

Life does not make mistakes. Everything in your life has come for one purpose…your growth/evolution/awakening, including where you are right now.

Don’t get caught in the trap of spiritual bypassing (all is well, just rise above this). It’s not productive to bypass what you’re feeling, stuffing it back down while finding a thought that makes you feel better. Drop out of the mental realm and honor your body by allowing it to release what’s being triggered. Once attention is given, the old frozen emotions can dissolve. Then dance in celebration and enjoy the benefits of an expanded heart.

Unfathomable Wisdom is guiding us all ways. Remember that as the challenges reshape you. Love is ever present.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“You need no longer seek some other state of consciousness, for that which is here now is outrageously consecrated with pure spirit.”
~ Matt Licata

Be the Mystic

Dear Blessed One,

Shakespeare was right on when he said, “To be or not to be, that is the question.”

To BE is in flow with nature. It is letting life’s current carry you through all the tributaries that lead to greater canals of awareness and ultimately to the vast ocean of Self.

Resisting life and all its undulations is not Being and causes suffering. There is no reason to argue with life. Arguing makes difficult situations even more painful. Resistance is futile.

My brother has been in a hospital for a year and a half and will probably not ever get well enough to leave. Waves of sadness come and go; they go (usually quickly) because I allow myself to feel the pain as it arises, not resisting it at all and without a story about it. This is a state of being, allowing life to be as it is.

When we face life’s challenges head-on, feeling what is stirred in the emotional body, it’s an honoring of self. Often, it’s an energetic hello to the young parts of our psyche and gives space for movement. In that process, deep emotional wounds are released. To feel it is to heal it. The natural outcome of healing is integration and transcendence.

I was in a deep funk for four days this week (which is a long time for me in these recent years), feeling an ache in my heart that had no words. I no longer have the compulsion to leave myself and enter the mental realm attempting to figure it out. I kept feeling it, allowing it to be there and knowing if I were meant to know more about it, that it would present itself of its own accord without digging. This is a state of being, allowing life to be as it is. It’s beyond the intellect, much deeper than the mind.

Healing and clarity come from a place of stillness not struggle. That stillpoint is where wisdom enters and guides us. It’s where our mystic resides.

The dictionary defines a mystic as one who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect. I would say it’s a place of knowing.

Be the mystic.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”
~ Joseph Campbell

“We” is One

Dear Blessed One,

Existence is. It is constantly proclaiming, “I am here!” It announces Itself through you, through the animals, the birds, the flowers, the weather, the water, the cosmos – through everything.

You are existence, life itself ~ supreme, infinite and unbound. The only thing that seemingly robs you of this is an idea that you are something else.

Freedom is always here. Belief in the myriad projections of the mind will cast a shadow enveloping your true nature. Turning attention away from the mind and pointing it into the heart of your being begins the recognition of truth.

When awareness is no longer tuned into the mind and all its programs, an essence that is gentle and loving comes through to guide you in all scenarios.

Step back and watch as life moves. It has a natural current that carries you. Once recognized, you are able to see that life has always carried you. The mind only thought it was doing something.

Notice when mind is judging, labeling or resisting existence. See if you can lighten up; loosen your grip on what you believe should or shouldn’t be happening. Be the witness.

Resisting what is creates a power surge to the object of resistance. Let it be. Resting with what is creates an opening for movement.

You don’t have to like what’s happening in life. Pause, take a breath and notice that you are judging life from the limited human perspective. Do you really know what’s better for life than life itself?

When struggling with the dance of life, remember, “I had a dream that I was many.” Suffering comes when we believe in the dream of separation.

Jesus said when the eye (I?) is single then the whole body shall be filled with light.

“We” is one.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“The Self–which is
absolute, effortless, timeless, immaculate–
is without limits and at no distance from you.
You are forever It.”
~ Ashtavakra


Dear Blessed One,

It’s possible, when disidentification with the mind occurs (if only for a moment), to recognize and experience the Love that permeates all life.

About 9 years ago while out for a walk in the park, I was drinking in the sounds of nature — enjoying geese overhead, birds, sun and gentle breezes. As I was walking up the hill, an elderly man with cane and his elderly dog were slowly and carefully walking down the paved path.

I looked up to greet them with a nod and passing smile and was swept under by a wave of Love that took my breath away. By the time we were almost face to face, tears were rolling down my cheeks. All I wanted to say was, “I LOVE YOU, MAN!”

For that man and his little dog, neither of whom I’d ever seen before, my heart was overflowing with a love that was unfathomable. I couldn’t say anything. I did give what may have seemed like the perfunctory smile and nod as I soggily swaggered on by, but it was certainly anything but perfunctory.

It’s happened numerous times since then in various places with people and animals. With each occurrence it felt a bit less vulnerable to be so drenched in Love amid complete strangers.

Love is what we are. Everything is saturated in It. To tune into that dimension and see from those eyes frees us from the energy-drain of resisting life.

Sit quietly and gaze into the eyes of your beloved, your child, or yourself in a mirror. Notice when the mind comes in with its narrative, whether positive or negative, and bring the energy of focus into your heart while gazing. You may experience tears, giggles or anger; let what comes come. Stay with the experience and watch as it shifts. Five minutes daily is usually a good amount of time to remain in the gaze.

This simple practice (though not so easy sometimes) can dissolve the illusion of separate self. Eventually, true Love is experienced and once that happens the conditioned ideas of love begin melting away.

Honor your experiences as they come and go, all of them; they are an expression of infinite Love which is always assisting you in healing, expansion, and in attaining higher perspective.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“Looking at One and seeing many is the cause of all suffering.”
~ Ashtavakra

Hearing Voices

Dear Blessed One,

Guidance comes in many ways. Some of the challenges in receiving guidance are listening to it, following it and trusting it. The guidance may seem weird or random and you may not seem to be getting the results you expected. Following life’s nudges is not always easy given the limited human perspective.

I awoke to a man’s voice in January of 2008 that said, “It’s time to write.” I was home alone and it reeeally startled me! As my heart rate began to settle when I could see there was no one in the room, I figured I must have been dreaming. The next morning it happened again and the voice was even louder. I thought, “Oh great, now I’m hearing voices!” By the third morning the voice was so loud I jumped out of bed and sat at my computer to see what would happen. Sixty pages of my life flowed out of me within a week. And then it just stopped, seemingly.

April came and so did my first kundalini awakening, then in June my cat died and two days later my partner ended our relationship. Less than one month later, pop, I awakened.

In September that same year I awoke to the voice again and it said, “Finish the book!” I got excited because didn’t know I was writing one.

The Creative Impulse that animates these forms does not always come through in an audible voice, it is always guiding us though.

It took almost nine months for me to know I was writing a book. I had no idea what the book’s purpose would be nor could I imagine how it would change and expand the way I work with people.

Watch, wait, listen, trust and occasionally look over your shoulder to see how the things of the past have created the things of the present.

We are all endowed with innate wisdom that is constantly knocking at the door of our awareness. Hearing voices is not the only way we are guided. Keep a keen eye, an attuned ear, an open heart. What is your inner being whispering?

You can’t know the end from the beginning. Let go and let life flow. What a wonderful gift to be surprised by a blessing coming out of what seems like only pain, trauma, or loss.

Stay curious. One of my favorite questions in the midst of a challenges is, “I wonder what blessing life is creating for me just around the corner of this difficulty?”

If you’re feeling a little assistance would be welcomed, I’m happy to help with a perspective shift

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”
~ Socrates

The I Am-ness

Dear Blessed One,

Many have been asking when I will begin offering satsang again… I still don’t know. Life is keeping me so busy right now.

However, I am considering the first or second week of Feb 2018. It’ll be an online, live, video satsang. Stay tuned…

In the meantime, here’s a snippet from a recent chat with a client (thank you dear one ~ you know who you are ~ for allowing me to share this).

With so many people getting swept away in fear these days, may the simple guidance in this clip offer support to those who could use it.

Watch the video here:

By the way, one week after our session, the house closed. I attribute that to the big work we did together and thus her ability to release all ideas of controlling outcomes.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“Get excited about you because you’re the space that all of this is coming from.”
~ Kyle Cease

Losing Your Mind

Dear Blessed One,

And so it begins…

Many people are experiencing the shedding of conditioned mind as they awaken to their true nature. This process can be challenging and scary, especially for those strongly identified with the character of who they think they are.

I’ve been working with numerous people over the last couple of years who have popped into full kundalini awakenings. The greatest fear that arises is the fear that they’re losing their minds.

The first kundalini experience I had in April of 2008 burned so much from my field of awareness that I no longer really knew who I was. The world seemed awkward and I felt wobbly. There was so much energy coursing through me that I often felt like screaming. I was sure I was losing my mind. I was. Thank goodness. And it wasn’t easy!

Later that year I was eye-gazing with a friend (check Rumi’s awakening) and all of a sudden, another face came through that fractured my heart. I began weeping as I felt a love that I’d never felt before. I reached out to touch his face as I mumbled, “I miss you so much!” And then my friend’s face came back and he looked pretty puzzled.

My best guess of what happened is the energy of spirit connecting with spirit created a thinning of the veils so that I could receive perhaps an initiation from this teacher of long, long ago (or more correctly a parallel reality) as the final push through the eye of the needle. He appeared again a couple more times over the years, which helped me understand some uncomfortable predicaments I found myself in.

Had I not already experienced so much clearing from the kundalini awakening, I might have been quite scared. At that point I was fairly relaxed with the possibility that I was losing my mind.

And then pop, a week later I awakened.

Honor your process. Breeeeeathe into what’s happening. Losing your mind is not a bad thing. It was a valuable and necessary step in my process.

Look into the eyes of the Beloved. He or She is right in front of you. Pause there. Feel the movements of discomfort, stillness, joy, whatever arises and know that the power of the infinite is blessing you in that moment.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“The light which shines in the eye is really the light of the heart. The light which fills the heart is the light of God, which is pure and separate from the light of intellect and sense.”
~ Rumi

You Are The Space

Dear Blessed One,

Everything is saturated with the essence of Consciousness. It’s not easy to recognize or remember this in difficult or tragic times.

In 2008 just before I popped out of the dream of separation, I experienced the essence of Love that holds it all.

In June that year, my 18-year old cat died and two days later my partner of years ended our relationship. That same evening I was bit on my leg by a brown recluse spider, which caused great pain and fear as I watched the skin dissolve as if acid had been poured on it.

As I began to experience the losses (along with our home, the cottage we’d built for my work, etc), the first thing that happened was the heartache, great sorrow that felt like it might be endless. What was different with this grief was I did not have the energy to fight or fix it. I fell right down into the middle of it, feeling it deeply. I kept allowing it all to be there.

Then something seemingly miraculous occurred. Not resisting the feelings at all, surrendering completely to their expression, I landed in a pool of bliss. I couldn’t imagine how it was possible to be experiencing bliss. But there it was, as alive and present as the pain and it was holding it all.

During that time, I had no idea that life was birthing something new through me in those experiences. I was so completely identified with who I thought I was and where I thought I was going that I was out of touch with what’s always here.

It’s remarkable how distracted we can become from the truth of our essence. There is a divine director at the core of our being that reveals itself in every act! It’s here holding everything, constantly affirming itself with every expression.

Know that the spirit within you is infinite, free and not bound by patterns of the past. Like the prodigal son, we may traipse down many paths of distraction, despair, and confusion; the divine pinpoint of Consciousness that resides within is always directing us home (even when it doesn’t seem like it).

That which you are looking for is what’s looking. You are the space for all expression. Stop occasionally throughout your day for one conscious breath. It could give you just the space that is needed to recognize the depth of your Being. When that is seen, an inner relaxation and a resting with all phenomena occurs. Pain still comes and goes and allowing all to be just as it is, suffering ends.

Trust in the wisdom of That which animates all life. It is your core essence and is patiently waiting for your attention.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“You cannot fail if you start with the proposition that Life is all there is. It is the substance of every form. As the invisible, It is the cause. As the visible, It is the effect.”
~ Ernest Holmes

Use the Challenges

Dear Blessed One,

I once heard someone use TV dramas as a metaphor for life.

Imagine sitting in front of a movie and getting so caught up in it that feelings of anxiety, anger, excitement, and sadness are elicited. You have become so identified with the characters that you’re experiencing emotions in response to people pretending to be someone else.

Now flash to “real life”. It is possible to step back from the challenges of life and notice how power has been surrendered to the drama. Many will become so lost in the experience before them that they feel hopeless, helpless, anger, depressed.

What if the challenges in life are there as a guidance mechanism? Much like symptoms in the body are signs that something is out of balance and needs adjusting, challenges are signs in our outer experience that something is out of balance and is calling for awareness.

Rather than fighting with the situation, resisting it, use the challenges as a barometer for what is needing more awareness. Inner turmoil is a sign that something is out of alignment. Be with the storm, explore the inner landscape and look for the misalignment.

When you step back just a bit and disidentify with the drama, awareness expands and a new level of consciousness can be experienced. It’s nonjudgmental and from this higher perspective it becomes much easier to see how the challenge before you is here to guide you in some way.

In the gap of no-mind, or stillness, you have access to the peace that holds it all. From that place, freedom is experienced and your authentic self is now in charge. Movement can happen in response to externals without the drama.

Notice if you have become identified with the character in the film. Bring awareness back to the projector and see how the light of consciousness guides you. Each time you do this, the habit of mind-identification lessens and consciousness expands. You may find yourself smiling at the situation that only moments ago had you in an emotional bind.

Remember you are all Powerful. Where is your attention? See where you may be identifying with characters in the film, pretending to be someone other than your all-powerful, authentic self.

Breathe into the heart and let life’s symptoms guide you to the next level of consciousness.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“In this state of inner connectedness, you are much more alert, more awake than in the mind-identified state. You are fully present. It also raises the vibrational frequency of the energy field that gives life to the physical body.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

Hard to be Human

Dear Blessed One,

You are a magnificent, divine, and beautiful expression of Life. Your presence here has great purpose, even if you have no idea what your purpose may be.

I’ll give you a hint… 😉

Your purpose is one glorious breath ~ repeat. Truly, it’s that simple. Upon exhalation, you might ask life how you may best serve in the next moment. Watch for inner guidance to lead the way.

There is no one ultimate purpose for anyone. Purpose is ever-shifting. It evolves, forever building on the last moment.

Often, we are challenged with difficult or painful experiences. Sometimes it’s damn hard to be human. It’s especially important during the arduous times to be still and ask life how best to respond. Then wait. Listen. Feel. Cry. Scream. And wait some more.

Allow what’s moving in you to be there and shine the light of awareness on it. Hold it tenderly like you would a wounded or scared child. You will be guided…you always are (even though you may not be consciously aware of guidance).

Notice if there is identification with a certain dissolving aspect of self. See how silly the mind is and how it creates barriers to your higher essence.

Remember while dancing (or screaming) with difficulties that Life, Love, God is the power animating you and all that is spinning before you is a magical manifestation of the One Source, and IT knows where it’s going. Hang on for the ride. Watch for signs that are pointing the way.

Trust until trust melts into Knowing.

Simplify and spend more time in silence while waiting for that glorious aspect of You, the bigger YOU to come through and relieve the mind of any definitions it has given your situation/s.

When you’re experiencing how hard it is to be human, don’t forget to ask for help, not for someone to ‘fix’ you ~ but for a dear one to support you. Perhaps just to sit with you in silence.

All is connected by golden threads and has great purpose.

Remember surrender. Breathe in your center.
Patience reveals. Love/Presence heals.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“There is a way between voice and presence where information flows. In disciplined silence it opens. With wandering talk it closes.”
~ Rumi