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Dear Blessed One,

It’s possible, when disidentification with the mind occurs (if only for a moment), to recognize and experience the Love that permeates all life.

About 9 years ago while out for a walk in the park, I was drinking in the sounds of nature — enjoying geese overhead, birds, sun and gentle breezes. As I was walking up the hill, an elderly man with cane and his elderly dog were slowly and carefully walking down the paved path.

I looked up to greet them with a nod and passing smile and was swept under by a wave of Love that took my breath away. By the time we were almost face to face, tears were rolling down my cheeks. All I wanted to say was, “I LOVE YOU, MAN!”

For that man and his little dog, neither of whom I’d ever seen before, my heart was overflowing with a love that was unfathomable. I couldn’t say anything. I did give what may have seemed like the perfunctory smile and nod as I soggily swaggered on by, but it was certainly anything but perfunctory.

It’s happened numerous times since then in various places with people and animals. With each occurrence it felt a bit less vulnerable to be so drenched in Love amid complete strangers.

Love is what we are. Everything is saturated in It. To tune into that dimension and see from those eyes frees us from the energy-drain of resisting life.

Sit quietly and gaze into the eyes of your beloved, your child, or yourself in a mirror. Notice when the mind comes in with its narrative, whether positive or negative, and bring the energy of focus into your heart while gazing. You may experience tears, giggles or anger; let what comes come. Stay with the experience and watch as it shifts. Five minutes daily is usually a good amount of time to remain in the gaze.

This simple practice (though not so easy sometimes) can dissolve the illusion of separate self. Eventually, true Love is experienced and once that happens the conditioned ideas of love begin melting away.

Honor your experiences as they come and go, all of them; they are an expression of infinite Love which is always assisting you in healing, expansion, and in attaining higher perspective.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


“Looking at One and seeing many is the cause of all suffering.”
~ Ashtavakra