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Sacred Ceremonies

The experience of sacred ceremony is a deep, beautiful, and often life-changing journey to the heart of what really matters – an opportunity to face and integrate shadow, transmuting trapped energies and making them available for life-affirming purposes. The sacred ceremony experience helps you search – sometimes in the darkness – for what’s been lost. True personal evolution and awakening can be challenging, requiring courage to face fears, and commitment to your awakening journey. Sacred ceremony is also an amplifier that will bring to the surface patterns and programs that no longer serve you.

Sacred ceremony does not allow us to suppress issues and escape reality. In fact, the opposite is typically the case. It compels us to face, resolve, and release issues that have been buried.

Surrendering to the awakening process often involves deep healing which includes cleansing and integrating painful memories, emotional blockages, and self-limiting patterns. The accumulation of these things prevent us from re-discovering our true selves and living a life filled with joy, abundance, and inner peace.

Group Sacred Ceremony

A group sacred ceremony is an intimate circle in which approximately six to fourteen participants are guided by one of our ministers through an often life-changing journey. While this takes place in a group setting, each participant is having their own personal, individually-focused experience on their path of spiritual growth, personal transformation, and awakening as the ceremony unfolds.

Group ceremonies are conducted in carefully chosen locations that are diligently prepared for this work, creating truly sacred spaces where participants feel safe, held, and attended to with great care by the minister and experienced guardians.

Overnight Group Sacred Ceremony 
These ceremonies are usually offered on Friday and Saturday nights, allowing participants to choose to participate in just one ceremony or both. Participating in two ceremonies in a row has greater potential to facilitate awakening and deeper transformation, however, we recommend that participants follow their inner guidance whether to join us for one or two nights. Overnight ceremonies begin at 4:30pm and finish at approximately 11:00am the next morning after a light breakfast and sharing circle.

Day Group Sacred Ceremony 
Occasionally, we also offer group ceremonies during the day, which generally run from 10am to approximately 7pm.

Group sacred ceremonies are facilitated by Shellee Rae and assisted by a team of guardian-assistants.

Requested Donation
Our minimum requested donation for participation in a group sacred ceremony is $350. To reserve your spot, we ask for a deposit of $100 per person, per ceremony.

Post-Ceremony Integration

Post-Ceremony Integration is one of the most important aspects of the Sacred Ceremony experience and is offered to all members after any of our ceremonies. At your request, a one-on-one integration call (usually via Zoom) with one of ROLM’s integration guides is included with your participation in a group ceremony or group ceremony weekend. You may also schedule additional integration calls with our integration guides for a donation. Ceremony participants are also invited to our monthly Hummingbird Integration Circle (via Zoom) which is open to active members of the ROLM community.

Solo Ceremony

A solo ceremony is set-up similarly to a group sacred ceremony, but it is designed for just one participant.

Typically we begin at 10am and complete at approximately 7pm, including time for discussion with the minister.

The amount of the requested donation for solo ceremonies varies by location and per minister.

To reserve your spot, a deposit of $100 is required.

To inquire:
Click to contact Shellee Rae.

Executive Retreat

These ceremonies are offered on Friday and Saturday nights and is by invitation only through CLG.

Requested Minimum Donation is $2,500 for the weekend.

Upcoming Sacred Ceremonies:

Table Ceremony

A table ceremony is a one-on-one sacred ceremony which gives the participant the opportunity to work directly with one of our ministers. Table ceremonies usually begin in the morning and last approximately 5 to 7 hours, which includes initial preparation and discussion time, approximately 3 hours of energy/shamanic/body work on a massage table (unclothed & under cover), and time afterwards for discussion about their deep spiritual journey.

Table ceremonies are available with Shellee Rae

Typically we begin at 10am and complete at approximately 3 – 5pm, including time for discussion.

The requested donation for table ceremonies varies by location and per minister.

To reserve your spot, a deposit of $100 is required.

To inquire about scheduling and making your deposit, please contact Shellee Rae.

Private Group Ceremony

A private group ceremony is the same as a group sacred ceremony (see full description above), but is for a couple, a specific group of people, or family. These ceremonies are intimate, overnight or all-day experiences in which two or more people are led by one of our ministers (and, as needed, guardians) through an often life-changing journey.

Private group ceremonies are available with Shellee Rae. The requested donation for private group ceremonies varies by location and per minister.

To reserve your spot, a deposit of $100 per person is required.

To inquire about requested donation and scheduling:
Click here to contact Shellee Rae.

Ayapassana Retreat

Our annual Ayapassana Retreat is a special 5-day/4-night transformational experience combining sacred ceremonies and silent meditation. This unique retreat includes four group sacred ceremonies; daily silent meditation; yin yoga, deliciously simple, vegetarian meals; private time with the minister and guardians for energy work and support; and noble silence throughout each day except for sharing circles.

Before registering for the Ayapassana Retreat, interested ROLM members need to have completed a minimum of three group ceremonies with ROLM, and need to be approved by ROLM ministers for Ayapassana attendance.

Requested Donation
For more information about attending the Ayapassana Retreat, including the requested donation, please send us a note via our Contact Us page, or send an email to info@raeoflightministries.com.

Singing Circle

Our singing circles are joyous gatherings of ROLM members sharing in the sacred ceremony experience with Mamacita (light), while singing together around a sacred altar. Singing circles usually last for three to four hours and are added to the ROLM events calendar as time permits.

In addition to being a current ROLM member, those interested in joining singing circles must have attended at least 3 sacred ceremonies with ROLM prior to signing up for a singing circle, and need to be granted singing circle access by the ROLM team of ministers.

Requested Donation
For most singing circles, the minimum requested donation is $75 and donations beyond that are welcome and appreciated. Reservations are required, but no deposit is required to make a reservation.