Reiki II Certification Class

Reiki II Certification Class (video & manual)

Thank you for your interest in learning Reiki. Making the choice to attend a Reiki class is a powerful one. Consciously or unconsciously, taking a Reiki class accelerates your journey down the path of self-healing. My name is Shellee Rae and I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher, initially trained in the traditional Usui method. I’ve been teaching Reiki since 1998 and have been certified to the master level in many other energy modalities. This video is an entire Reiki II class. You will learn the Reiki symbols and how to use them in treatments. After you complete the recording, the next step is to contact me to schedule your Reiki II attunement. We will meet via zoom and take 10 to 15 minutes for the attunement and then some extra time available to answer questions that may have come up while watching the recorded class. I look forward to meeting with you and to your brighter presence in our collective consciousness.


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